©The Archaeological Settlements of Turkey - TAY Project

Kuriki Höyük

Ages Maps Photos

maps Kuriki Höyük

m- Direction:

Southeastern Anatolia


Registration State:
For detailed registration information please refer to Turkish pages.

Location: This site is 1.1 km southwest of Oymataş Village of Merkez District of Batman City. It is built on the cross section of Batman River and Tigris River. The mound contains 2 hills approximately 70 m apart, namely Kuriki 1 and Kuriki 2 [Genç et al. 2011.142-143].
Geography and Environment: The mound is built on a dominant position over the surrounding areas where water sources are plenty and the land is wide and fertile. Batman River which is flowing from the northwest to the south merges with Tigris in the south and the river continues to flow from northeast. Thus Batman River and Tigris River flow around the Kuriki Mound's both hills like a bow. Kuriki 1 where the first studies are carried out is 85 by 95 m. The mound is 3.5 m high over the plain level in the north and northeast, 8 m high over the river level in the south and west [Genç et al. 2011:143-144]. The studies carried out in 2012 show that both mounds cover an area of 250x100 m [Genç et al. 2014:297].
Destruction Details: The site is used for farming for many years and therefore the mound's soil has moved in South and West. Apart from the top of the Kuriki 1 Mound it's observed that entire area of the mound is flattened. The locals have built a channel to transfer the water from the river to the mound land using flat stones. The channel extends in the Northeast on one end and in the Southeast on the other end and it is constructed on a 1 m tall and 2 m wide area, approximately. Stone as the structure material is replaced with soil on the tip extending to Southeast which then turns around Kuriki 1 like a ring. The soil channel destructed Kuriki 1's margins up to approximately 30-40 cm deep. And it is evident that some illicit excavations have taken place in Kuriki 1, during which well-cut stones are moved or taken. The holes opened not only destructed the lower layers but also mixed up the findings from layers with modern finds [Genç et al. 2011:144].

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