©The Archaeological Settlements of Turkey - TAY Project

Göller Mezarligi

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Göller Mezarlığı
950 m
Black Sea
Haci Yakup
Investigation Method:


Location: It lies 5 km of the Çorum-Merzifon motorway at the 30th km; northeast of the Çorum Province. The cemetery stands on the southern ridges of a flat hill located 1.9 km southwest of the village of Haci Yakup (Göller). The village remains between the former and new roads.
Geography and Environment: The cemetery is surrounded by low mountains. It has been severely damaged by the local villagers.
Research and Excavation: Some part of the grave goods recovered during the illicit diggings was sold to the Ankara Museum of Anatolian Civilizations and the Istanbul Archaeological Museum. T. Özgüç conducted a small survey to verify the findspot and the finds while he was excavating Masat Höyük in 1977.
Stratigraphy: It was not excavated; therefore it is unknown if it is a significant cemetery.
Small Finds: Human Remains: Thick walled; underfired sherds recovered from the section of the cemetery dug by the treasure hunters and the information obtained from the local villagers expose the presence of a cemetery including pithos graves. An arranged burial practice is observed as the pits were opened in order. The mouths of the pithoi were capped by stones. Again depending on the information obtained from the villagers; it is noted that the grave goods were left inside and outside of the pithoi. Grave Goods: T. Özgüç reports that vast majority of the finds like dagger; spearhead; shaft-holed axe and pins preserved at museums of Amasya and Tokat comes from the cemetery of Oymaagac while a few from the cemetery of Göller [Özgüç1978:32-36]. It is difficult to identify which are from the cemetery of Göller.
Interpretation and Dating: No cultural finds were obtained to prove the presence of a settlement in the cemetery. Therefore; it can be identified as an extramural cemetery. The pithos graves on the surface of the slopes appear due to erosion and deep ploughing in the recent years. Göller Mezarligi is one of the EBA cemeteries discovered by the treasure hunters and demolished very soon.

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