©The Archaeological Settlements of Turkey - TAY Project
Çegilli Kuleleri |
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Observation Tower |
m |
Eastern Anatolia |
Ardahan |
Merkez |
Çegilli |
Investigation Method:
Survey |
It is located about 2 km west of Çegilli Village in Merkez District of Ardahan Province. It was discovered during the survey conducted by S. Pataci in 2013. There are three watchtowers in the village. Tower I is located 2.5 km west of the village. Tower II is 500 m northeast of Tower I. Tower III locates 1 km northeast of the village. Tower I is 1975 m above the sea level. It measures 19.5 m in the east-west direction and 16 m in the north-south direction. It is in oval-like plan. A narrow road passes about 50 m north of this tower. The tower was built with large sized, neatly cut basalt stones in dry wall technique. The inner section of the tower is covered with backfilling stone. Located 1.3 km northwest of Çegilli, Tower II is situated on the steep rock that is 1966 m above the sea level. It was built in a similar way with Tower I. It is in rounded plan and measures 20 m in the east-west direction and 17 m in the north-south direction. The thickness between the inner and outer walls ranges from 3 m to 4.15 m. The walls are preserved over 2 m. The entrance is located in the south. There is a lintel with a dimension of 1.5x2 m on the entrance. Tower III is located 1 km northeast of Çegilli, about 80 m north of Çegilli-Çetinsu road. It is 1865 m above the sea level. This tower is situated about 500 m northeast of Çegilli Büyük Tepe Höyügü (see Çegilli Büyük Tepe Höyügü). It is in rounded plan and measures 10-11 m in diameter. The preserved height is 1.65 m. Its building technique is the same with the others. Bronze Age wares were found in the fill of the illicit digging pits discovered about 3 m west of the tower. A few EBA sherds were recovered as well. It is believed that all the towers are dated to LBA-Early IA [Pataci 2015:101-103]. |
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