©The Archaeological Settlements of Turkey - TAY Project

Areyastin / Arezastis Aniti

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Areyastin / Arezastis Anıtı
Central Anatolia
Investigation Method:
Early Phrygian


It is a monumental Phrygian façade in rock resting on one of the high rocks, approximately 130 m west of the Çukurca-Yazilikaya road, 1.7 km south of the Yazilikaya Village in the Han District of Eskisehir. Right across to the east of the road rise the Phyrgian Fortresses, Gökgöz and Pismis, on steep rocky plateaux. To the south lies the ancient city of Midas. The monument was first noticed by L. de Laborde in 1826 from a distance when he climbed to the Pismis Fortress. However, the first scientist who studied and introduced it to the world of archaeology accompanied with detailed descriptions and engravings was Ch. Texier. The first and single engraving made by Texier in 1834 provide a good evidence for the actual appearance of the monument. Then, it was visited by several investigators, and finally analysed by C.H.E. Haspels, G. de Francovich and T. Tüfekçi-Sivas. It was named after the wording "Areyastin/Arezastin" mentioned in the Paleo-Phrygian inscription on the right side of the apex acroterion. Local people call it Hasanbey Rock. It faces northeast. The tuff mass housing the monument measures ca. 17 m in height and 7.6 m in width. Taking the advantage of natural inclination of the rocky formation, the surface of the dressed façade was first levelled. The roof has a triangular fronton with an apex acroterion. The central pillar of the fronton is flanked by windows. The façade wall measures 3.7x4.2 m in dimensions, as an almost square rectangular. It was enclosed by two frames, which were, except the left exterior one, were decorated with a series of ornaments consisting of square panels regularly placed. In the panels there are four lozenge patterns in relief, two side by side and one under the other each. There is a niche of 0.32x0.24x0.1 m in the upper part of the façade wall near the fronton. The monument bears 3 inscriptions. The first one initiates from the left end of the frieze, continuing on the right and left sides of the acroterion with a lenght of 7 m. The second one is on the main rock on the upper part of the monument with a lenght of 8 m. It initiates at the left upper corner of the monument, the second line continues toward the left on the right upper corner. The third inscription is on the lateral side of the protective natural frame, inscribed sidewards with a lenght of 3 m.
Geography and Environment:
Research and Excavation:
Small Finds:
Interpretation and Dating:

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